The Anunnaki Gods

The Anunnaki Gods

The Anunnaki are a group of deities in ancient Sumerian mythology who are believed to have created and ruled over humanity. They are often depicted as powerful and wise beings, who possess great knowledge and technology. In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in the Anunnaki, with many people claiming that they were not just mythological figures, but actual extraterrestrial beings who visited Earth in the distant past.

Astrology, as an ancient practice, has a lot to say about the Anunnaki and their relation to humans. According to astrology, the Anunnaki are believed to be connected to the planet Nibiru, also known as the "12th planet" in our solar system. It is said to have a highly elliptical orbit that takes it far beyond the outer planets, and that it only comes into our solar system once every 3,600 years.

The Anunnaki are believed to have visited Earth during the Age of Taurus, around 4,000 BC. This was a time of great technological advancement, and many ancient civilizations, such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, and Mayans, are believed to have been influenced by the Anunnaki. They are said to have taught humanity many things, including agriculture, metallurgy, and mathematics.

The Anunnaki are also believed to be connected to the zodiac sign of Taurus. Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and is associated with the planet Venus. It is said to be a sign of stability, security, and material wealth. The Anunnaki are believed to have brought these qualities to humanity, helping us to build and sustain civilizations.

However, not all astrologers agree on the Anunnaki's positive influence on humanity. Some believe that the Anunnaki were not benevolent beings, but rather a group of powerful beings who sought to control and exploit humanity for their own gain. They are said to have created a slave race of humans to do their bidding, and that they were not interested in helping humanity to progress, but rather in using us for their own purposes.

In conclusion, the Anunnaki are a fascinating and mysterious group of deities in ancient Sumerian mythology. According to astrology, they are believed to be connected to the planet Nibiru and the zodiac sign of Taurus. Some believe that they were benevolent beings who brought great knowledge and technology to humanity, while others believe that they were powerful beings who sought to control and exploit us. Whether they were benevolent or malevolent, the Anunnaki remain a fascinating topic of discussion and research for astrology community members.